Taking payments through the Vociesafe is only possible for customers with the card payment module installed and configured. The payment gateway module has been designed to prevent the direct handling of highly sensitive credit card data while taking payment from a customer over the phone.
If you wish to know more about the Voicesafe card payment module please contact CAS sales on 08454215777 or email sales@completeautomotivesolutions.co.uk.
In the below scenario the customer is paying a deposit over the phone.
1. The amount is agreed and then the customer is requested to pay. The sales executive logs into the Voicesafe, clicks on the payment tab, working with the customer they complete the 'Process new payment' form. Note that the capture reference is not available at this stage.
2. The sales executive then informs that customer that they will be now be places within a payment channel and presses # 1 on their phone.
3. The sales executive will then be played the capture reference which should be state within the card reference 'Process new payment' form. While the sales executive is doing this the customer will be played a recording asked them to enter their card details and state the amount to pay.
4. When the customer has completed stating the details of the payment they will be reconnected with the sales executive who will confirm the transaction by clicking process. It is very important to click the process button just once. If double clicked you will receive the following error and the payment will need to be taken again.